Pedestal Leadership

The stage is empty

Pedestal leadership is bullshit.

I may be the minority here, in fact I am sure I am. So many people work for applause and not the cause. Meaning that they are fueled by what positions or titles or notoriety they can get from the things that they do in life.

Granted we are supposed to feel pride in the things that we achieve and by sharing those achievements we allow others to see our achievements and shoot for the same. That I understand and that I celebrate.

However, those who speak of themselves as though they reside on Mount Olympus and are so condescending and conceited in their delivery alludes to the fact that they think they’ll never see themselves fall.

Those people make me laugh. Their insecurities shine through like sun on a freshly cleaned window.

The people who follow these sorts of “leader“ without regard to their own self-respect and how they are being talked to says even more about our society. We are so thirsty for true leadership we think it comes masquerading in the form of egotistical conceit.

People with fame and fortune either inherited it or they achieved it through hard work. What I will never forget or ever succumb to is forgetting exactly how hard I had to work to get what I have in life. I also will never forget that life has a way of happening and a way of humbling. I never stray far from remembering that, because of what I’ve been through, what I’ve sacrificed and for whom I’ve sacrificed for in my short lifetime.

Most of what you see about me is surface. I don’t share everything, especially the biggest highs. I don’t need to, those are for me. What I do share, are the things in life that have given me the most strength and those are the things I am most proud of. The things constructed to break me and didn’t. I celebrate that. I share that.

I have been told in the past that I would do well to toot my own horn and put myself out there in the same manner as what I’ve described above as pedestal leadership. Perhaps I could have made more money that way but fortunately for me that isn’t what drives me. Money is something I can make no problem, peace of mind… That’s something money can’t buy and I like rare shit.

The days of being an “influencer” will meet their demise. Our current global pandemic is already showing us that. Hopefully the ones who rise as leaders are the ones with dignified strength, humble intentions & unyielding determination

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